40% rabatt

På samtliga av våra grimskaft och koppel. Lyxiga, slitstarka och svensktillverkade.

100% polyestersilke med UV-skydd som håller kvalitet och färg i många år framöver.

Välj alternativ
  • "I feel that Derma Protection helps heal wounds on my horse much faster than other products I have previously used for wound care".


    Anna. H

  • "The combination of Sensitive Shampoo and Derma protection when treating pastern dermatitis is really effective and the problem with pastern dermatitis disappears very quickly. Superb products!"




    Charlotte. W

  • "My dog's paws that were so irritated are not even red anymore and he bites his paws less after we started Sensitvie Shampoo and Derma protection Dog on his paws".




    Lena. S

  • "Hovarna har blivit så fina efter jag börjat använda Hoof Protection. Strålen är som ny, allt de torra och fnasiga inuti hoven är borta".


    Madde. S


Carefully selected accessories for your four-legged friends should be comfortable and you... 

Caring for your best friend!

With love and concern for animals, humanity and the environment, we have created products that protect, heal and repair damaged or exposed skin. Our shampoos are suitable for both dogs and horses, and our Derma Protection is available in two kinds, one for horses and one that is adapted for dogs and their sensitive stomachs. If you want a fantastic ointment for your dog, choose Derma Protection Dog!